Search for where a monster drops by filling in one of the two things below:

Monster number:
Monster name:

Or search for what drops from a dungeon by picking one:
Technical (not arena):
Technical arenas:
Special / Descended (not collab) or PAD Pass:
Special / always available:
Special / hourly ("guerilla dungeons"):
Special / daily:
Special / weekly ("coin dungeons"):

Or look at dungons whose drop information isn't in yet:
Incomplete dungeons:

Or browse through all monsters in one category:
Always farmable:
Gacha Only:

Last updated: 2/19/2025
return to search form
padfarminfo at gmail dot com

This is an unofficial fan site about farming Puzzle & Dragons game monsters on its North America server. It is not a site run by Puzzle & Dragons or Gungho Entertainment.